12 Content Writing Trends for 2023


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Want to know the hottest content writing trends for this year? You’re in luck! I’ve got you covered with the top thirteen trends that will help you create great content for your website and boost your engagement and ROI.

We’re living in a time of rapid change and innovation, especially when it comes to communication and technology. Everything from how we get our news to marketing our products is evolving.

And one area that’s at the center of this transformation is writing and art itself.

With new technology like AI-generated art and ChatGPT becoming more advanced, many people wonder what the future holds for these fields.

Will search engines and people accept AI or reject it? Can we even stop it if we wanted to? How does AI affect the content writing industry?

In this article, I’ll share with you how these trends are changing the way we write and create content.

1.     AI-Driven Content is Taking Over

Image of an AI hand with an expert quote on "The Emergence of AI-Driven Content" as one of the content writing trends by the side.

You probably already know that brands have been using AI marketing for a long time and maybe even using some AI-generated content.

But did you know that Google says that AI-generated content that tries to trick search results is spam, While the appropriate use of AI to assist with and generate useful content is not against their guidelines?

It’s hard to tell how good Google is at finding AI systems, but it’s clear that AI-generated content is on the rise and will continue increasing.

According to a UBS study via Reuters, ChatGPT had 100 million monthly active users in January 2023.

Remember, that’s not the only AI platform out there. Many others can provide chatbots and write SEO-friendly blog posts too.

2.     Long-Form Content

Long-form content is another trend that is gaining popularity in 2023. Long-form content is any content that is detailed enough. While some sources suggest it should be at least 1,000 words, others say it should be over 2,000. However, the first page results on Google have an average word count of 1890 words.

Long-form content is suitable for building thought leadership and authority in a particular industry by providing in-depth and comprehensive information on a topic. They include detailed articles, whitepapers, case studies, or ebooks.

Long-form content also helps improve SEO rankings and drive website traffic by targeting long-tail keywords, providing valuable backlinks, and increasing dwell time and social shares. Long-form content can also generate leads and conversions by offering more value to the reader and building trust and credibility with them.

3.     Video Content is King

Video content has been a big trend for a while now, and it’s not going anywhere. You can do much with video content, like product demos, explainer videos, vlogs, and live streams. Video content is great for showing off your products and services and building customer trust.

But the most popular kind of video content right now is video shorts. YouTube, Instagram, and Meta all have their own video shorts platforms to compete with TikTok, which is huge.

Platforms like Instagram even said they had more engagement in places like Brazil after launching their Reels. And they expect to have over 163 million users by 2028.

Video shorts and reels are awesome for getting your brand out and connecting with a big audience.

Unlike long videos, short video clips have a better chance of going viral and leading to a new phenomenon in social media.

4.     Interactive Content

Interactive content is one of the hottest trends in content writing for 2023. Interactive content invites the reader to take action, such as quizzes, polls, calculators, games, and surveys.

Interactive content is great for getting leads and increasing engagement on social media platforms because it makes the reader feel more involved and interested in the content.

Interactive content also provides valuable insights into the reader’s preferences, needs, and opinions, which can help content writers create more personalized and relevant content for them. Interactive content can also boost the credibility and authority of the content creator by showing their expertise and knowledge on a topic.

5.     Influencer Marketing is Changing

Influencer marketing is not dead. It’s just changing.

What we used to call influencer marketing is now more like the creator economy.

Many brands work with online creators who make short and long-form content that bring followers to their platform.

YouTube said last fall that it would share 45% of the money from Shorts ads with its creators (although some people think more is needed).

Anyway, it’s clear that social media giants are competing more and more for individual creators and rewarding them more too.

Everyone, from the White House to big makeup brands, works with TikTokers, Instagram stars, and regular content creators to promote their brands and messages.

You can see this also in the popularity of podcasting.

6.     Easily Digestible Content

It’s true that website visitors are often looking for specific information rather than reading everything. They will probably leave the website if they can’t find what they want quickly.

That’s why there is a growing trend among writers to use these elements in their content to help readers:

•             Headings: Clear headings show readers what the content is about, helping them to find what they need.

•             Subheadings: Subheadings break down the information more, making it easier for readers to scan and see relevant parts.

•             Numerical/Bulleted Lists: Lists show information concisely and organized, helping readers get the main points quickly.

Using these elements in your content makes it easier to read and prevents readers from searching too much for details. The era of scannable content ensures that your website gives information fast, keeping visitors happy and engaged with their browsing experience.

7.     Podcasting is Still Going Strong

Podcasting is one of the ways that marketers have tried to use new technology in their work, but it is only sometimes successful.

Like TikTok and Instagram Reels, podcasting is better for personal branding and getting more exposure than old-school SEO tactics.

But podcasting is still growing fast. It has grown by almost 30% since 2019 and is still an excellent tool for individual content creators and brand partnerships.

I recommend using podcasting as part of your thought leadership strategy and working with podcasts with the same audience as your brand.

Podcasting is not for everyone, but it can be excellent for influencers, CEOs, and content creators you work with.

8.     People Want More Personal Experience

Now, you might be wondering how AI is the Number one content marketing trend for 2023, but content creators are also more valuable.

This is not a contradiction at all. It just means that people seek more personal brands and thought leaders for their information.

Today, people don’t go to WebMD for health advice; they go to Reddit or influencers.

And podcasters like Joe Rogan have way more listeners than CNN on any given night.

This means that people really want authenticity and trust from the people they listen to.

Building trust through thought leadership and personal branding is more important than ever.

If you search for an article on SEO basics, are you more likely to click on WordStream or some random blog?

In fact, personal branding and experience are so important that Google even added a new letter to its acronym EAT (now E-E-A-T) for the word “experience.”

So, tell more stories and show more empathy in your writing. Make your writing more personal, and you will get more exposure.

9.     Content Marketers Need Data More Than Ever

Let’s be real; podcasting and video shorts are only for some businesses.

Instead, using technology and focusing on data-driven content is the key to winning in the digital marketing space in 2023.

And luckily, machine learning makes this easier than ever.

Investing in good software, like SE Ranking, Semrush, or Ahrefs, will help you learn more about your competitors and beat them.

Also, updating your Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 will give you more detailed information about important search metrics and strategies you can use to improve your campaigns.

10.Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is not a new trend, but it’s becoming increasingly common as more people use virtual assistants and smart speakers to search for information online. Content writers will have to adapt their strategies to make their content more suitable for voice search queries.

This means using long-tail keywords that match people’s speech and natural language that sounds more human and less robotic. Voice search queries are usually longer, more specific, and more conversational than text-based queries.

For example, someone might type “best pizza near me” on their phone but say, “Where can I get a good pizza around here?” on their smart speaker. Content writers will have to understand how users interact with voice assistants and create content that answers their questions in a clear and concise way.

11.Page Experience and Value Are Still Essential

Technology makes it easier to connect all of our web platforms and create smooth funnels and user experiences.

One thing I’ve found interesting in the previous years is the rise of shoppable content or the ability to buy products on a video or blog you see online.

Little things like these make it easier to convert and sell more.

I suggest upgrading to a good CRM (customer relationship management) and using lead-magnet content, like ebooks, infographics, and research, to get more sales.

12.Niche Content

As content writing keeps changing, niche content will be more important in the next few years. Niche content is writing for a specific sub-category or sub-specialty within a client’s products or services.

This type of content targets a specific group and often goes into very specialized and technical topics.

For example, suppose you are a dentist who offers different services like cosmetic dentistry, root canals, and teeth cleaning. In that case, you can create niche content focusing on a high-demand sub-category like cosmetic dentistry. This could include teeth whitening, teeth alignment, and dental veneers.

Soon, content creators will have to make more specific content for their niches. This type of content has two benefits: it attracts a smaller, more targeted audience and generates more leads. This is because the audience will be more interested in content that matches their needs and wants.

Niche content is also very valuable for SEO and content writing. It gives readers focused and detailed information they can’t easily find anywhere else, making it very valuable and popular.

Parting Thought

These content writing trends in 2023 will help you get more leads and organic site traffic. They will help you make unique content that converts faster and boosts online business sales for clients. Thereby making 2023 the year you get the most value from your content and deliver a huge ROI.

Content writing is changing fast, and content writers must keep up with these trends to stay on top. By following these trends, businesses can build strong bonds with their customers and grow in the coming years.

You must stay ahead of the game to ensure your work is engaging and effective.

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