How to Publish Your First Book on Amazon: A Step-by-Step Guide for Fitness Coaches


Table of Contents

Do you want to publish your first book on Amazon and use it as a powerful link magnet?

If so, congratulations! You’ve made a smart decision.

We live in a world of possibilities – a world of turning your thoughts into an actual book that people all over can read and enjoy. I am excited to guide you through every step, making it simple and fun.

Have you ever wanted to share your ideas and knowledge with others? Well, now you can, and it’s easier than ever. In this guide, I’ll show you how to go from having an idea to having your book available on Amazon for everyone to see.

Imagine being able to create something that speaks directly to people who are interested in what you have to say. It’s like having your own platform to share your thoughts, stories, or expertise.

I’ll help you understand how to organize your thoughts, make your book look good on the inside, create a cover that catches people’s eyes, and put everything on Amazon so people can buy and read it.

You won’t be waiting for big publishing companies to notice you because you control your book. Let’s dive in and make your dream of becoming a published author a reality.

Welcome to “A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Publish Your First Book on Amazon.” Your journey to sharing your ideas with the world begins now.

In this guide, I will show you how to publish your first book on Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer and one of the most popular platforms for self-publishing authors.

That is why publishing a book on Amazon can help you:

  • Establish your authority and credibility in your niche.
  • Reach a wider audience and attract more leads and clients.
  • Generate passive income and diversify your revenue streams.
  • Create a valuable asset that you can use for marketing and promotion.

But how do you publish your first book on Amazon? What are the steps involved? What are the tools and resources you need?

Don’t worry – I’ve got you covered. In this guide, I’ll show you exactly how to publish your first book on Amazon in a simple and easy way. I’ll walk you through the entire process, from choosing a topic to launching and promoting your book.

By following this guide, you’ll be able to publish your first book on Amazon in no time and start reaping the benefits of being a published author.

Ready to get started? Let’s go!

How to Choose a Topic for Your Book

The first step in publishing your first book on Amazon is choosing a topic for your book. This is a crucial step because your topic will determine the success of your book. You want to choose a topic that will appeal to your target audience and solve their problems.

Tips to help you choose a topic for your book:

  • Think about your niche and expertise. What are you good at? What do you know a lot about? What do you enjoy doing or teaching?
  • Think about your audience and their needs. Who are they? What are their goals, challenges, pain points, or interests? What do they want to learn from you?
  • Think about the market and the competition. What are the current trends, demands, or gaps in your niche? What are the existing books or products that cover similar topics? How can you make your book stand out from them?
  • Use tools like Google Trends to research keywords, topics, and categories related to your niche.
  • Brainstorm ideas based on your research and analysis. Write down as many ideas as possible without judging them.
  • Evaluate and refine your ideas based on their relevance, value, uniqueness, and demand. Choose the best idea that meets these criteria.

For example, let’s say you’re a fitness coach specializing in weight loss for busy professionals. You want to write a book to help them achieve their fitness goals without spending hours in the gym or following strict diets.

Some possible topics for your book could be:

  • How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts
  • The Busy Professional’s Guide to Healthy Eating and Weight Loss
  • How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle with HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
  • How to Boost Your Metabolism and Energy with Superfoods
  • How to Stay Motivated and Accountable with Fitness Apps and Trackers

Choose the topic you think will resonate with your audience and provide them with the most value.

How to Write Your Book

The next step in publishing your first book on Amazon is writing your book. This is the most challenging and time-consuming step but also the most rewarding one. You want to write your book in an engaging, informative, and persuasive way.

But I am a fitness trainer and not a writer.

Relax; that’s why the AI revolution has come to stay. Many AI writing tools are available online, but in this guide, I will teach you how to use the free version of ChatGPT.

Creating a ChatGPT account is a simple process that enables you to access and utilize the power of OpenAI’s language model for various tasks but in this case, content writing.

Steps to create your ChatGPT account:

Step 1: Go to the official OpenAI website at

Step 2: Click the “Sign Up” or “Get Started” button at the website’s top right corner.

Step 3: Fill in the required information to create your account. This typically includes your name, email address, and password. Use a secure password that consists of a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Step 4: Review and agree to OpenAI’s terms and conditions and their privacy policy. It’s important to understand how your data will be used and protected.

Step 5: Some platforms might require email verification. Check your email inbox for a verification link and click on it to confirm your email address.

Step 6: Once your email is verified, you might be prompted to set up your account. This might involve adding additional information such as a profile picture, account preferences, etc.

Step 7: After setting up your account, you can access ChatGPT. Depending on the platform, you should be able to use the service directly from your web browser.

Step 8: Start using ChatGPT by typing in prompts or questions and receiving responses generated by the AI model. (Feel free to experiment with different inputs to see how the model can assist you).

Note: creating an account might vary depending on the platform or service you use to access ChatGPT. But always ensure you use official OpenAI channels to sign up and access their services.

Tips to help you write your book:

·         Outline your book.

Create a structure for your book that includes an introduction, main chapters, and conclusion. Each chapter should have a title, a main idea, and subheadings. Use bullet points or notes to summarize what you want to cover in each section.

You can also tell ChatGPT that you are a fitness coach writing a book on, let’s say, “How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts” and that it should give you an outline for it, and it will do that.

·         Write with ChatGPT.

First, search for the top 5 fitness ebook writers, and choose one you prefer his writing style. Refer ChatGPT to two or three samples of the writer’s book and ask it to study it. You can also copy and paste on ChatGPT the samples you want it to learn.

When it must have been done with that and is ready for the next action, ask it to write your book and provide it with the title and the outline you already have.

When it is done with the first draft, read it through and ask it to expand or write comprehensively on each part you want it to. By doing this from one subheading to the next and from the first chapter to the last, you will have a book of many thousand words ready. 

·         Edit and revise your draft.

After you finish writing, take a break before editing and revising it. When editing, read it aloud or use text-to-speech software to spot errors and mistakes you might miss otherwise. Check for clarity, coherence, consistency, accuracy, and completeness.

Cut out any unnecessary or redundant words or sentences. Add any missing or relevant information or examples you wish to give it a human and professional touch.

·         Proofread and polish your book.

After you edit and revise your draft, proofread and polish it until it’s ready for publication. Use tools like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Copyscape to check and correct your grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and plagiarism.

You can also ask a colleague, a friend, or a professional editor to review your draft and give you feedback.

How to Format Your Book for Kindle

After completing everything concerning the book writing, the next step is formatting the book for Kindle. This is a crucial step because your book’s format will affect its appearance and readability on different devices.

You can format your book for Kindle using free tools and templates.

Tips to help you format your book for Kindle:

  • Use a standard font like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Use a font size of 12 points for the main text and 14 points for the headings. Use bold or italics for emphasis, but don’t use underlining or colors.
  • Use a standard page size, such as A4 or Letter. Use a margin of 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all sides. Use single line spacing and a left alignment for the text. Don’t use page numbers, headers, or footers.
  • Use a simple structure for your book. Use a title page, a table of contents, an introduction, main chapters, and a conclusion. Use page breaks between each section. Use headings and subheadings to organize your content. Use bullet points or lists to present your information in a structured way.
  • Convert your book into a Kindle-compatible format (such as MOBI or EPUB) and preview how it will look on different devices.

For example, here’s how your title page could look like:

How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts

A Step-by-Step Guide for Busy Professionals

By John Smith

Fitness Coach and Author

How to Design an Eye-Catching Cover for Your Book

It’s time to design an eye-catching cover for your book. This is a crucial step because your book’s cover will affect its visibility and attractiveness on Amazon.

You can also design an eye-catching cover for your book using free resources and tools. So don’t worry about knowing about graphic design or hiring a graphic designer.

Here are tips to help you design an eye-catching cover for your book:

  • Use a high-quality image that relates to your topic and niche. You can use free stock photos or your own pictures if you have them.
  • Use a simple, clear title that conveys your book’s main idea and benefit. Use a font that is easy to read and stands out from the background. Use a color that contrasts with the background and matches your niche.
  • Use a subtitle that provides more information or value to your title. Use a smaller font than the title and place it below the title.
  • Use your name or pen name as the author of your book. Use a font that matches your title and subtitle, and place it below the subtitle.

For example, here’s how your cover could look like:

[How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts]

A Step-by-Step Guide for Busy Professionals

By John Smith

Fitness Coach and Author

: An image of a fit person doing a HIIT exercise with a stopwatch in their hand. The background is blue, and the text is white.

How to Upload Your Book to KDP and Set the Right Price, Category, and Keywords

Congratulations your first book on Amazon is about to go live.

Now you have to upload your book to KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) and set the right price, category, and keywords. This is an essential step because it will determine how your book will be displayed and discovered on Amazon. You want to upload your book to KDP and set the right price, category, and keywords for maximum exposure.

Here are some tips to help you upload your book to KDP and set the right price, category, and keywords:

  • Create a free account on KDP, as you don’t have one already. Go to and sign up with your email address or Amazon account.
  • Click “Create New Title” and fill in the required information, such as your book title, subtitle, author name, description, etc.
  • Upload your book file and cover file. You can use the “Kindle eBook Previewer” to check how your book will look on different devices.
  • Click “Kindle eBook Pricing” and choose your royalty option (35% or 70%) and your price. You can use the “KDP Pricing Support” tool to see the estimated sales and revenue for different prices and markets.
  • Click on “Kindle eBook Details” and choose your category and keywords. You can use the “Browse Categories” tool to find the best category for your book.
  • Click on “Publish Your Kindle eBook” and wait for your book to be reviewed and approved by Amazon. This may take up to 72 hours.

Congratulations! You’ve just published your first book on Amazon!

How to Launch and Promote Your Book

The final step in this guide is launching and promoting your book. This is vital because it will determine how many people will see and buy your book. You want to launch and promote your book using free and paid methods (if you have the budget).

Here are tips to help you launch and promote your book:

  • Create a launch plan. Decide when and how you want to launch your book. Choose a launch date that is suitable for your niche and audience. Choose an effective launch strategy for your goals, such as a free promotion, a countdown deal, or a regular price launch.
  • Build a launch team. Recruit a group of people who are willing to help you with your launch. These could be your friends, family, colleagues, clients, followers, or influencers. Ask them to read your book, leave a review, share it on social media, or recommend it to their network.
  • Create a landing page. This landing page showcases your book’s benefits, features, testimonials, and CTAs.
  • Create a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free resource you give away in exchange for an email address. Ensure the lead magnet relates to your book topic and offers value to your audience. It could be a cheat sheet, a checklist, a workbook, a video, etc.
  • Create an email list. Ensure you create an email list of people interested in your book topic and niche.
  • Create an email sequence. Create a series of pre-scheduled and strategically crafted emails and send them to your subscribers over a defined period to nurture and persuade them to buy your book.
  • Create a blog post. This blog post should introduce your book topic and niche, provide value to your readers, and promote your book.
  • Create social media posts. Create a social media post that shares snippets, quotes, images, or videos from your book, provides value to your followers, and promotes your book.
  • Create ads. Create ads that target your ideal audience, showcase your book benefits, features, testimonials, and CTAs, and drive traffic to your landing page or Amazon page.

For example, here’s how an email post that introduces and promotes your book could look like:

How I Lost 20 Pounds in 3 Months with 15-Minute Workouts

Do you want to lose weight fast and easy without spending hours in the gym or following strict diets?

If so, you’re not alone.

I was in the same boat as you.

I was a busy professional who had no time or energy for exercise or healthy eating.

I was overweight, unhappy, and unhealthy.

I tried different diets and workouts, but nothing worked.

I was frustrated and hopeless.

But then I discovered something that changed my life.

I discovered HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training).

HIIT is a type of exercise involving short bursts of intense activity followed by brief rest periods.

It’s proven to burn fat, build muscle, boost metabolism, and improve cardiovascular health.

It’s also fast, easy, and fun.

It can do it anywhere, anytime, without equipment, and only requires 15 minutes daily to see amazing results.

I decided to give it a try, and I was blown away by the results.

I lost 20 pounds in 3 months with 15-minute workouts.

I also gained muscle, energy, confidence, and happiness.

I felt like a new person, and I want to share my secrets with you.

That’s why I wrote a book called “How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts”.

It’s a step-by-step guide for busy professionals who want to lose weight and get fit with HIIT.

In this book, you’ll learn:

  • What HIIT is, how it works, and why it’s effective for weight loss and muscle building.
  • The benefits of HIIT, such as increased metabolism, fat burning, muscle growth, cardiovascular health, etc.
  • How to do HIIT, such as the duration, intensity, frequency, and recovery of each interval.
  • Examples of HIIT exercise, such as sprinting, jumping jacks, burpees, etc.
  • Tips and tricks for HIIT, such as warming up, cooling down, hydrating, resting, etc.

And much more!

This book is not just a collection of information or theory.

It’s a practical and actionable guide that will show you exactly how to lose weight and get fit with HIIT.

It’s based on my own experience and results.

It’s also backed by scientific research and evidence.

It’s written in simple and clear language that anyone can understand and follow.

It’s also formatted in a way that makes it easy to read and apply.

It’s the ultimate guide for busy professionals who want to lose weight and get fit with HIIT.

And the best part is: You can get it for FREE!

Yes, you read that right.

For a limited time only, I’m giving away my book for free on Amazon.


  • Because I want to help as many people as possible achieve their fitness goals and dreams.
  • Because I want to share my story and inspire others to take action.
  • Because I want to make a positive impact on the world.

But hurry up – this offer won’t last forever!

Click the link below and get your free copy of “How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts” today!

[Get Your Free Copy Here]

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your body and life with a daily 15-minute workout.

Get your free copy of “How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy with 15-Minute Workouts” now and start losing weight and getting fit today!

[Get Your Free Copy Here]


I’m glad you got to this point in this comprehensive guide I wrote for you. I hope you enjoyed it will help you publish your first book on Amazon and use it as a powerful link magnet.

Do you have any questions or feedback about the guide? Is there anything else I can help you with?

Please let me know. I’m always happy to hear from you.

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